Friday, March 18, 2022

Getting into the Blogging Spirit!

 Hello everyone and Happy Friday! 

A friend of mine sent me some information regarding sometihng that I remember only hearing about briefly back in 2020 and it is called NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) which is a non-profit site that helps aspiring writers to do a little bit more than just aspire. I think this is really cool and you should all go and give it a check out if you want to get into the writing game a little more seriously!

Now, onto the main content of the posting after that quick shoutout to NaNoWriMo. This is not the first time that I find myself in the blogging space as I have been in and out of blogging/site building since I was in the 5th grade way back in 2006. Come to understand it now, if I had picked something and been able to stick with it, I would have a 15+ year old blog by now! Oh well, I often find myself drifting in and out of interests over time, but do find myself quite envious (in a good way) of those that find their passions and settle into them. I am actually in the best part of my life right now to commit to a passion and writing is the one that I have always wanted to do.

I do just want to give everyone a little light-hearted walkthrough of my blogging history. None of the sites or things I will be mentioning are available to find anymore because there was either not much on them that deleting them was not that difficult, or it was something that I found as more of a niche and a niche is really only enjoyable (in my opinion) when there are people to share that niche with. 

Early Days: 2006-2013

As a child, I have no idea why (maybe its the Asperger's I do not know for sure), but I was really into Website building and used sites like Weebly (which is much better now than it was in 2006) in order just to mess around and try creating things. I did not have internet access at home back in those early days of pre-2013, so any and all of the website creating had to be done at school and occasionally I was allowed by the teachers in Elementary School to stay inside some recesses to work on my sites. I did occasionally have other kids who would also stay in to watch me do this, no idea why we found it so entertaining but we loved every minute of it. For sure NONE of those sites still exist today and they are tied to an old, rather unprofessional email address that I no longer have ( and also first emails...I mean I was 11 there was no way to know about the professional ramifications later on, email was deleted around 2012 and I stopped making sites in that way around the same time.

Middle Years: 2013-2016

Now we come to something of course a little more formal as I now have a proper email address and I am now around the age of 17/18, I am on social media now and it is there that I found the next chapter of my online blogging type of journey: Facebook Pages and Groups. I made a Facebook Page in mid-2013 (very niche) and eventually the page itself garnered up to 2500 likes by the end of its active life in 2016, we eventually merged with another similar community page and became sister pages and eventually formed a group with over 500 members and it was very active on a day-to-day basis. I left the page and group in mid-2015 and handed it over to someone I trusted to do whatever she wanted with it, and the page has been dormant and defunct since late 2016 but that whole concept and idea led to the next phase.

Third Phase: 2016-2021

This time I finally got more into actually blogging as we see it today with me finally starting out on Blogger in early 2017 trying my hand at a Philosophy blog (I will talk more about my philosophy on here in the coming weeks and months) and then eventually moved over to WordPress and actually paid for a domain name on a site that I ran about my Philosophy and posted my writings on (it does sadly no longer exist as I gave up on it due to many things that went on for me during the pandemic). It was also a start of blogging about my attempt at doing University in late 2019 that only lasted until early 2020 before I started up again with a different school in early 2021 that did not last longer than a few months. (Let's just say my pandemic time has been as much of a rollercoaster as it has been for you probably).

Writing as a Career Focus: 2022-Present

Now we make it to the present day! I am currently not working as I need a little time to physically recuperate and get things back on track, but I am feeling a lot better these days and I really want to try to make writing out into a career. This site here will serve not just as a place to write in and keep everyone abreast with what I am up to, but also a place to act as a portfolio for my writing skills once, in 3-4 weeks time I have a routine going on here and enough on here that I can use the site to pitch my writing abilities to anyone who might be willing to pay for my services. I really would like to try to make it as a writer, and there are steps that need to come before that I know, but I am finally feeling free enough to give it a try. 

I hope everyone has enjoyed this run through of my blogging history, just as a away to show that writing has really been on the brain all of these past 15 years or so. I am approaching 26 in about 5-6 weeks time and I think if I can make tihs finally stick for me, 11 year old me can rest easy in the past knowing that it actually did all work out.

Final note, I am creating a series of pages starting from today where when you head back to the home page you will be able to see my writings as I have already completed and potentially some new essays ripe for the reading! I hope you all enjoy that!

See you all tomorrow! 

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