Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Father of Anti-Humanism - My Philosophy explained in Brief

 Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog! About 5 years ago, I really got to thinking about Philosophy on a personal level. I love to think and ponder things and pick ideas apart. I also found that I really do love the wider world of Ethics. This also got me thinking about how in every generation there are new Philosophical theories that come to light and of course I wanted to plant my own flag in the field as well. I will talk more tomorrow about the books that I wrote back in 2019 and how you can get them for yourself, but I just want to take some time to talk today about Anti-Humanism and what it means to me and why this is the form of Philosophy that I am planting my flag into and calling myself the "Father of Anti-Humanistic Theory".

The first thing I feel when it comes to creating anything new, especially when it comes to an idea set like Philosophy generally is, is to find something that you oppose and then to connect yourself to the viewpoint opposite that. In tihs case, to know my enemy; Humanism. Humanism has been around since the renaissance around 1500 AD and due to it being over 500 years old, I do not believe that it makes sense to speak in those terms anymore.

One of the major parts of Anti-Humanism is a belief in working with what we have now. Humanists believe that if we all just hold hands and sign "coomb-by-yah" that all of a sudden all of the world's problems will go away and we will be harmonious into the future. That is of course bullshit since there are so many inequalities that exist in the world today and life is just too complicated to boil it down to a single fix item that solves roughly 8 Billion people's problems. 

When it comes to Anti-Humanism we work with what we have and meet people where they are at. Morality is a big part of the system, but when it comes to Anti-Humanism there is encouragement for you to find and develop your own moral code and set. There is only one rule that MUST apply if the system is to work, and it comes from the Wiccan Rede "And Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will". This meaning that all of the moral decisions that you make should inherently either effect ONLY you, or be for the betterment of everyone that would be effected. 

Another major part of the system is Accountability. OWN YOUR SHIT! If you did something, you own up to it! That is all there is to it. No pointing fingers, no throwing people under the bus, take your raps and move on! There is no need to draw things out if there is a clear blame to be found with you. The major problem in the world today is everyone feeling that they are not worthy of blame in situations where they clearly are. WE would be better off in society if people owned up to their shit. 

There is a lot more to this, and there is a "manifesto" of sorts in the works, I am working on my first writing project, my novel, then I will get back to Anti-Humanism, but I want to start talking Philosophy here on my brand new site!

Thank you for your time! See you all tomorrow

Ps. Logo above is the logo I created to represent the Anti-Humanist movement! The energy and passion comes from within to improve ourselves and society...remember that. 

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