Monday, March 28, 2022

One Month till 26 - A Look back on being 25

 Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog! One thing that always hits me around this time of year is the one month countdown to my birthday. April 27th is now just under a month away and I wanted to take some time to look back on and reflect on what the last year has brought me and what things I want to look forwards to once I have turned 26 at the end of April.

Starting the story back at the end of April 2021 I of course turned 25 and that in my mind was kind of a big occasion. No longer on the early half of my 20s anymore, I am now in the upper echelon of years heading towards 30. I just feel you can be taken more seriously in life when you are 25 and over since you are not usually new to life's challenges at that point. 

When I turned 25 I was working a job that I rather liked, but due to the pandemic it had been hard to make the money I needed to survive and unfortunately that lead to a small mental breakdown on my part at the end of May and into June 2021. The stress of not knowing if I was going to make enough money to even buy groceries was an apparent issue for me. This lead me to start applying to full-time jobs as of mid-June and finally snagging one at the very end of July to start near the end of August. 

At the very beginning with my first ever Full-Time job things seemed to work out perfectly! My coworkers were lovely (and still are) and the fact that I was finally working a consistent job with consistent shifts really just worked out for me...the only problem was, I was not used to working Full Time and it was slowly chipping away at me, having to be ON 24/7 when at work and always at 110% energy output really started to wear thin starting in late October 2021. By December 2021 I was dying for the Winter holidays that were to come and even took an extra week off during the winter holidays.

I am not a fan of Winter anymore...the cold sucks and I want as little of it in my life as possible. I did my best to get through January and February of 2022 and start the year off on a positive note, but things just were not meant to be in that way. The cold weather, mixed with the stress of the job got to me and I just had to leave. Age 25 has been an age of trying to figure things out and try to go in the natural direction, but it not being what I am best suited for.

This bring us to now, March 2022 (well late-March 2022) and now I have just begun my Freelance Writing career (which I will talk about in the next post very soon) and I will be looking to try to get that off the ground as soon as possible in order to start getting some money in, help people and just have that freedom to work anywhere at anytime and control my working life for the first time in my life. I realize that is what I really want and would love for 26 year old me to kick it up a notch and make it at least a consistent living (not looking to make millions here, just enough).

25 you have been interesting, higher highs than the last few years here at the end, and some of the lowest lows I have ever experienced in my life, but we survived and I am stronger for it. 26 you will kill it, I know you will!

Thank you for reading everyone and see you in the next one!  

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